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Monday, September 27, 2010

Developing an Entrepreneur Mindset

It's a Beautiful Monday Morning, the first cool day we've had in months. Now this is the south so my interpretation of a cool day is much different than some of you that are from the north. But I'm not here to talk about the wheather just wanted to throw that in because it is A Beautiful Day.

What I'm here for today is to share some great mentors and books that I have found that has helped me on my Journey to Success and Building my work from home Business. Over the last 3 years of creating my "Life By Design" some of the most talked about "must dos" I have learned that have to be set in motion when someone is wanting to carve out success in life are
1) Start associating yourself with people who have already accomplished what it is you want to accomplish
2)Fill your mind with positive and encouraging thoughts from reading books by people who have accomplished the lifestyle you're looking to accomplish
3)Take action, be willing to step out of your comfort zone, nothing is accomplished without first planting the seed (taking action).

Take a step back today - look at the life of those who have created Success in Life. Their dream wasn't created without much work, lots of failure and many complications. The thing that sets successful people apart from the norm is they don't just Live their Life they Create their Life they do this by not giving up. Successful people have a complete different mindset. They don't see failure as failure but they look at what most call failure and know that it is actually an opportunity to learn. They continually learn from their mistakes make adjustments and keep moving forward creating the life they desire.

So what I would like to do today is share with you some of the Mentors and Books that I have gotten great value from on my journey to success.
Mentors: Self Development:
Les Brown http://www.itswebaccess.com/app/?af=1249515
Guy Finley http://www.guyfinley.com/Welcome/4/CD1871/0
Robert Allen http://robertallen.com
Education in Marketing yourself:
Dani Johnson http://www.danijohnson.com/go/75149834p59
Ellie Drake http://elliedrake.com
Tom Challen https://priorityteam.infusionsoft.com/go/pthp/tazw09

These are just a few of the Greats that I have tapped into. I hope these mentors and books will bring you as much value as they have brought me.
Make Your Life a Journey to Remember.

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